Retreats & Events
Opportunities to gather in community/ sangha. Join me in person and online to gather as a collective of seekers curiously traversing the path of Yoga and it's promise of wholeness and joy! Give yourself the gift of time, pause a little, and settle into a space where you remember all that you are behind life's rush.
​​​KIRTAN: Tending the Heart ~ Saturday 28th March; Upper Saxondale Village Hall, Nottingham
Join myself & Kate for an opportunity to soften the mind and awaken the intuitive, compassionate heart. This session will include a heart-centred meditation practice to open the space; self reflection; and Kirtan, a joyful practice of devotion and play, through music and sacred sound.
​​​RETREAT: Be Nourished By Rest ~ The Peak District; 2nd-5th May 2025
We're back for round two in one of our favourite places, sharing some of our favourite things. Join us in the beautiful Hope Valley for a weekend of rest and respite. A weekend to completely pause and nurture body, mind and soul back into vibrant fullness. Daily practices that bring an emphasis to nervous system regulation; delicious home cooked food from our in-house chef; time to simply rest/ be; beautiful hike in nature or going for a dip in our local swim spot.
​​​​RETREAT: The Journey Home ~ Italy; 10th-16th August 2025
One of Yoga’s greatest promises is to move us towards an experience of life that is infused with lasting fulfilment, ultimate freedom and a joy that is untouched by external circumstance. We taste the essence of that place by coming to understand the nature of our mind, its tendencies, and how we may best use its potential in service to our growth, and in service to our heart. This retreat is an opportunity to dive a little deeper, in an embodied way, where the teachings can begin to reveal themselves to you, through the direct experience of your own practice. Together we’ll explore traditional source wisdom, alongside the practices that help breathe life into all of it in a way that feels meaningful to you.
​​​​RETREAT: Be Nourished By Breath ~ Corfu; 19th-25th October 2025
The breath is something that you carry with you wherever you go; a resource that is free, forever creating an access point into establishing greater health, balance, vitality and ease. Join Chrissie & Hannah at the beautiful INEA Yoga Retreat Centre for a week of diving into the practices that help us to understand and embody the breath. Learn how we can use this incredible tool to support our system in releasing held tension and stress, returning body and mind to a state a deep calm and ease, nourishing from the inside out.
Online Offerings
Be Nourished: The Rest Collective ~ Wednesday 26th February 8pm GMT (45 mins)
An evening to be held in rest. Nothing else to do, nothing else required of you other than to just be. This gathering is an invitation for you to put everything down, pop to-do lists aside, leave obligations at the door and lay out your mat to feel truly supported by deep rest.
Exploring the Voice: Part II ~ Sunday 2nd March 10am GMT (90 mins)
Join myself & Sally for a wee slice of time to explore the potential of your voice, and the joys of chanting mantra. In this session we'll continue our exploration of voice, diving into new areas/ techniques that help to develop breath control, the quality, range & stamina of your voice, paying particular attention to how we create power and from what support.
Heart Home: Meditation, Mantra & Community ~ Sunday 9th March 6pm GMT (45 mins)
An invitation to tend to the tender, feeling heart. Soften the mind, and open the heart through meditation & devotional sound. Together we'll light a candle, settle and steady the mind, centre into the feeling of our body and then begin to explore the sensations of sacred sound. Hosted alongside my dear sister Kate Edwards.
Be Nourished: Nourished By Breath ~ Wednesday 12th March 7am GMT (30 mins)
An invitation to start deepening your relationship with/ to the breath, through a variety of techniques. 30 minutes to drop in and set you up for the day, so that you can move into life with purpose, nourished from the inside out.
Be Nourished: The Rest Collective ~ Wednesday 26th March 8pm GMT (45 mins)
An evening to be held in rest. Nothing else to do, nothing else required of you other than to just be. This gathering is an invitation for you to put everything down, pop to-do lists aside, leave obligations at the door and lay out your mat to feel truly supported by deep rest.